
There was only one mark on Crowley's body that he ever told anyone was a tattoo and that was the serpent just in front of his right ear.  He had to admit to that one.  It was impossible to hide unless his covered it with make up and if he were honest, he didn't want to.  Nobody looked at him like he was crazy and it really was a rather tasteful mark.  On the rare occasions that he was asked about it, he just said it was a tattoo and came up with different outlandish reasons as to why he had it.  The most popular, though, was that he'd lost a bet.

Over the years that they'd known each other, especially since getting tattoos became a popular thing outside of prisons, Aziraphale had asked Crowley if he'd ever considered getting a real tattoo.

"Don't know."  Crowley would say with a shrug and leave it at that.  Aziraphale would bring it up every couple of years, more out of curiosity than anything else.  He was actually quietly contemplating getting one himself but he wasn't sure he had the nerve to do it.  And even if he did, he didn't know what he'd get.  He only ever really asked in good fun but then one day, Crowley's answer changed.

"I know I keep asking but have you ever actually considered doing it?"  Aziraphale asked as he sipped his wine.  They were sitting in a stylish new restaurant in Soho that had just opened.

"Don't know.  Maybe."  Crowley said as usual, but there was something about the way he said it.  Like he was hiding something.  Aziraphale just raised an eyebrow as he looked at him but he didn't say anything.

That conversation had been twenty years before their need to switch bodies to avoid the retribution of both Heaven and Hell.  It had been entirely tempting to answer his own question but he wasn't sure if he was willing to see Crowley completely naked in the name of finding a mystery tattoo.  But then there was the bath of holy water and he did at least have to strip down a little bit.  When the trousers came off he noticed something peeking out from the edge of Crowley's underwear.  He hadn't had time to investigate it just then, for obvious reasons.

No one stood guard as Aziraphale got dressed.  They were all absolutely terrified of Crowley now.  They left him alone to just get dried off and dressed and leave Hell behind.  Aziraphale took this opportunity to slowly life up the left leg of Crowley's underwear and take a peek at the tattoo there.  He was completely surprised to find a pair of white angel wings, about four inches in diameter, with a black and red snake wrapped around them.  Underneath the wings was a date in roman numerals.  MDCCLVI.  He wondered if asking Crowley about that would make him angry or if he would have expected Aziraphale to look at his body.  There was only one way to find out.

After their lunch at the Ritz, they went back to Aziraphale's shop and headed into the back room.  Crowley lounged on the couch, taking up the entire thing so that Aziraphale had to sit in the chair across from it.

"I'd like to ask you something, if that's alright."  Aziraphale said with a sly smile.

"You know you can ask me anything, angel."  Crowley wasn't really looking at him so he didn't notice.

"You know, in order to deal with the whole Holy Water bath thing, I did have to take off a significant portion of your clothing."  He cleared his throat.  Crowley started to pay attention then.

"Yes?"  He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Aziraphale.  Aziraphale got to his feet and walked over to the couch, kneeling down in front of it.  He reached out and lightly placed his fingers on Crowley's thigh, just above the tattoo.  Crowley couldn't help the little shiver that ran through him at the touch.   

"Would you like to explain this?"  He asked, looking Crowley in the eye.

"Well, I'm sure it's actually rather self explanatory."  Crowley said.  His eyes shifted to look more at Aziraphale's nose.  The direct eye contact was suddenly uncomfortable.

"Everything except the date."  He started to draw little circles on Crowley's jeans with his fingers.  He was actually quite enjoying the way Crowley was reacting.

"Seventeen fifty six.  Yes."  Crowley cleared his throat and shifted a little, though not enough to make Aziraphale move his hand.  "That's when....well....when I stopped lying to myself."

"About what?"  Aziraphale smiled, his fingers still moving in continuous circles.

"This..."  Crowley said before he put a hand on the back of Aziraphale's head and pulled him into a kiss.  Aziraphale was a little shocked at first but he soon relaxed into the kiss, shifting a little bit closer.  Crowley kept his hand on Aziraphale's head as he started to lay back onto the couch.  It didn't take much coaxing before Aziraphale was laying on top of him.  After a couple of moments, the kiss broke.

"Oh.  I see."  Aziraphale smiled down at Crowley.  Rather than saying anything else, he just leaned down and started to kiss and suck on Crowley's neck.  Crowley tilted his head to give Aziraphale better access as he hooked one leg over the angel's hip.  He kept the one hand on the back of Aziraphale's head and moaned softly. 

"Do you.....would you like to get a better look at it?"  Crowley managed to get out even though his brain wasn't functioning quite properly at the moment.  Aziraphale lifted his head and smirked. 

"I would like that very much."  He then shifted so that he could get Crowley's trousers undone.  There had been quite a few scenarios that Crowley had imagined over the years since he'd come to terms with his feelings for Aziraphale.  One of them had been something very similar to this.  When Aziraphale got his trousers undone, Crowley lifted his hips to help him get them off.  He laughed softly when they went flying across the room, landing wherever they may.  Crowley gasped when Aziraphale grabbed the waistband of his underwear and pulled them off as well, tossing them in the same general direction as his trousers.  Everything was happening quickly enough that he hadn't really thought about manifesting any kind of genitalia.   He'd just been enjoying the closeness and the kissing. 

"It is rather lovely."  Aziraphale said as he focused on the tattoo.  Crowley made a decision as Aziraphale leaned down to lightly run his tongue over the snake on his thigh.  His whole body tingled with pleasure and it took a little bit of concentration to manifest a cock.  Of course the attention that Aziraphale was paying to him had him already almost completely aroused. 

"I see you're enjoying this."  Aziraphale said with a smirk.  He leaned down to run his tongue along the tattoo again and Crowley leaned his head back and moaned. 

"Yesssss..."  He hissed, putting a hand on the back of Aziraphale's head again.  Aziraphale slowly moved his hands up to start helping Crowley remove the rest of his clothing.  He pushed his shirt up and lightly kissed at his belly before he started working on the buttons.  "Fuck..."  Crowley moaned as he looked down at Aziraphale. 

"That is quite the idea."  Aziraphale licked his lips as he watched Crowley's face.  The pleasure was exquisite.  He started to slowly kiss the exposed skin as he undid all of the buttons on Crowley's shirt.  He didn't bother to take it completely off, though.  He just left it open with Crowley's chest exposed.  Aziraphale went back to kissing and sucking on Crowley's neck as he slid his hands down between them and started to work on his own trousers.  Crowley trailed his fingers down Aziraphale's back and then slipped his hands into the back of his trousers as the angel got them undone. 

Aziraphale had had the foresight to manifest the necessary parts while he was still undressing Crowley.  It made it easier to move things along.  Crowley seemed to be very impatient at the moment, as well.  While the one hand stayed in the back of Aziraphale's trousers, gently massaging his ass, the other had slid around to the front.  He managed to push everything out of the way just enough to free Aziraphale from his clothing. 

"You don't want them all the way off?"  Aziraphale asked with a rather mischievious smirk. 

"No."  Crowley shook his head.  It was becoming increasingly more difficult to form coherent words. 

"What would you like, darling?"  Aziraphale asked.  Wasn't Crowley supposed to be the evil one in their relationship? 

"Fuck me."  Crowley practically growled, panting just a bit.  He hadn't needed anything in his entire existence the way he needed Aziraphale inside him in that very moment. 

"Ask and ye shall receive."  Aziraphale smiled before kissing Crowley passionately.  A little bit of miracling the right amount of lubricant in the right places and they both moaned as Aziraphale pushed into him.  Crowley moved one hand back up to the back of Aziraphale's head, holding him into the deep kiss.  The other arm wrapped tightly around the angel's shoulders.  Rather than easing in, Aziraphale had pushed in completely in one thrust.  He lay still for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of the connection and losing himself in the passion of the kiss.  When Crowley started to slightly shift his hips, Aziraphale took that as his cue to start thrusting. 

It felt absolutely perfect.  Like they'd always been meant to be doing exactly that.  Crowley wrapped one leg around Aziraphale and moaned when he shifted position just a little bit.  He felt like he was on fire, but in the best possible way. 

Aziraphale put one hand on the back of the couch, the other on the arm next to Crowley's head and pushed up a bit.  With the new position he had better leverage to start thrusting harder.  The whole couch shook with their movements and Crowley didn't bother to hold back the loud moans that were escaping from him.  Neither of them really cared if anyone heard them.  All that mattered was being together in that moment.  Azirphale leaned down to kiss Crowley once again as he moved a hand between them and wrapped his fingers around Crowley's cock, stroking him in time with their thrusts. 

It wasn't very long after that and Crowley was crying out in pleasure as he came.  He was muttering what would seem to be incoherently but Aziraphale was pretty sure was actually ancient Aramaic.  Perhaps he'd take the time to translate it later.  The thought got away from him very quickly as his own orgasm overtook him and he moaned loudly.  He managed a few more thrusts before finally coming to a stop.  He held himself up so that he could look down at Crowley, just enjoying the look he had about him.  Aziraphale shifted just enough to pull out of Crowley before laying on top of him, smiling a bit as the demon almost completely enveloped him in arms and legs. 

"That....." Crowley started after a few moments of catching his breath.  "Can't even put it into words."  He chuckled. 

"It definitely was that."  Aziraphale nodded before lighting kissing Crowley's shoulder.  They were both silent for a few moments. 

"I love you."  Crowley finally said the words out loud.  He'd been saying them in his head for centuries and now he'd finally given them voice. 

"I love you, too."  Aziraphale lifted his head and kissed Crowley gently on the lips.  He then rested his head back on Crowley's shoulder.  They were both content to just lay there on the couch in each other's arms, oblivious to the rest of the world.  Nothing else really mattered. 


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