Sorry, Daddy. I've Been Naughty Part 2

Crowley walked slowly into the bedroom, wanting to give Aziraphale a little time to get into whatever position it was he wanted to get into.  Part of him hoped that the angel would be naked already and part of him hoped he wouldn't.  Either way, they were going to have a lot of fun.  Crowley stopped just inside the door and licked his lips at the sight before him.  Aziraphale was still clothed but he was on all fours on the bed with his backside toward the door. 

"Are you ready for your punishment?"  Crowley asked as he made his way over to the bed.  Rather than climb up on it, he stood beside it.  He reached one hand out and gently ran it over Aziraphale's ass. 

"Yes..."  The angel breathed out.  Oh he was very ready. 

"Hand or belt?"  Crowley asked with a smirk. 

""  Aziraphale hadn't really thought about that.  He let out a gasp when Crowley drew his hand back and slapped his ass hard. 

"Make a decision, angel, or it'll be made for you."  He practically growled. 

"Hand!" He said quickly, licking his lips.  He was slightly terrified of what Crowley would do with a belt. 

"Wise choice."  Crowley grinned and slapped Aziraphale's ass again.  He ran his hand over the spot and imagined that hand print that must have been forming under the fabric of his trousers.  Even if it didn't stay long.   "And how many spankings do you think you deserve, angel?"  Crowley slid his hand down to rub the back of Aziraphale's thigh. 

"One for every millennia that I've kept my attraction hidden."  He cleared his throat.  Crowley left out a laugh. 

"So six then?"  He raised an eyebrow as he moved his hand back up and slapped Aziraphale's ass again, this time harder than before.  "You think that's enough?"  Aziraphale gasped.  Why did this feel so good? 

"T....ten."  He answered with a moan.  They'd only known each other for six thousand years but he knew that certainly wasn't enough. 

"Ten it is, then."  Crowley said with a nod.  He leaned down so that his breath danced across Aziraphale's ear.  "The first three don't count."  He said before moving back into position.  He smiled when Aziraphale shuddered.  "Count them out, angel."  Crowley said as he drew his hand back and spanked Aziraphale hard.  He was surprised the sound didn't echo through the flat. 

"One!"  He closed his eyes and moaned a little after saying it.  Yes, it hurt but he was actually enjoying the pain.  That was something he hadn't expected at all.  Crowley very slowly continued his punishment, making Aziraphale count each and every spanking.  Crowley knew that the palm of his hand had to look just as red as Aziraphale's ass did.  By the time they got to ten, he was achingly hard.  Being completely naked made it also very obvious. 

"Is that enough punishment, angel?"  He asked as he moved up closer to Aziraphale's head.  "Or do you need more?" 

"That....."  Aziraphale was about to say that it was enough until he opened his eyes and saw Crowley standing there, looking absolutely gorgeous.  He looked up at him, lust filling his eyes and he smiled.  "That wasn't enough."  He licked his lips again.  Crowley raised an eyebrow.  He hadn't been expecting that response. 

"And what punishment do you think is fitting now?"  Crowley reached down to stroke Aziraphale's hair.  After a couple of strokes, he grabbed a handful and used it to pull Aziraphale's head back. 

""  The angel had an almost feral look in his eyes as he stared up at Crowley.  Crowley shook his head. 

"Oh no.  No no no.  Fucking is for good boys.  Only good boys.  Bad boys don't get that pleasure.  You have to prove to me that you deserve it."  He leaned down and whispered in Aziraphale's ear again.  "Prove to me that you deserve my cock inside you." 

"Oh....."  Aziraphale shuddered.  It was torture and it was absolutely exquisite.  He was loving every second of it.  What kind of angel was he to enjoy being punished like this? 

"What....I"  His tone was almost begging. 

"Well, you have to do exactly as you are told without asking any questions and then, maybe, I'll believe you are a very good boy."  Crowley said with a smirk.  He really was loving every second of this.  Especially when Aziraphale nodded vigorously.  Crowley let go of his hair and stepped back a little bit.  "Now, get off the bed." 

"Yes, of course."  Aziraphale started to move and Crowley put a hand on his back to stop him. 

"Yes, master."  Crowley raised an eyebrow at him.  Aziraphale just stared at him for a moment.  Was he really going to let himself be treated like this?  The bulge in his trousers would seem to indicate that he was. 

"Yes, master."  He said, lowering his head in a sort of bow. 

"That's better."  Crowley moved his hand and let Aziraphale climb off the bed.  The demon took the angel's place on the bed, though Crowley was sitting propped up against the headboard.   "Now, take your clothes off.  Nice and slow." 

"Yes, master."  Aziraphale started to very slowly slide his currently untied bowtie out from his collar, tossing it on the ground.   He then started to unbutton his waistcoat, taking his time.  He even started to sway his hips a little bit as he did. 

"Very nice."  Crowley said with a nod.  Sometimes when Crowley got a little out of control of himself, his snakeness would started to show through a bit more.  In this particular instance it manifested in his tongue darting out occasionally.  It was taking everything he had to keep himself on the bed.  He wanted to just miracle off Aziraphale's clothes and have his way with him.  This was punishment, though. 

Aziraphale continued to remove his clothes slowly, one piece at a time.  He wanted to fold everything neatly rather than just letting them drop to the floor but that would definitely ruin the mood of the moment.  He could always clean things up later.  First his waistcoat, then his shirt.  He started to question why he wore so many layers.  He then slowly removed his socks.  He'd taken off his shoes before getting onto the bed.  When Aziraphale was about to unbutton his trousers, Crowley raised a hand. 

"Are you wearing pants, Aziraphale?"  He asked with a slight tilt of his head. 

"No, master.  Don't see the point, really."  He cleared his throat.  Aziraphale then let out a little whimper at the look that Crowley was giving him.  He suddenly felt like a trapped animal about to be devoured and he didn't want that feeling to stop. 

"Thosssse troussserss are mine."  Crowley hissed as he got to his feet and moved over to Aziraphale.  The snake was definitely coming out a bit more.  Aziraphale tried very hard not to smile. 

"Yes, master."  Aziraphale let his hands drop to his sides.  He took a deep breath through his nose as Crowley moved closer to him.  Oh how the demon smelled so good.  He closed his eyes and just let himself enjoy that scent.  There was a new undertone to it that he'd never noticed before. 

Crowley moved so that he was standing just inches away from Aziraphale.  There was barely room for a piece of paper between them.  He leaned in to kiss Aziraphale's neck as he slid his hands down his chest and stomach before reaching for his trousers.  "All mine."  He growled in Aziraphale's ear, causing the angel to shudder again. 

"Yes.....master."  Aziraphale added the last word almost as an afterthought.  He licked his lips as he felt Crowley slowly undo his buttons.  He gasped when Crowley intentionally put a little pressure as he unzipped them.  Crowley didn't bother to push the fabric off Aziraphale's hips, he simply slid his hand in and wrapped them around Aziraphale's cock. 

"Sssssomeone has a very good imagination."  Crowley smiled.  He'd been expecting something about average but he should have known that Aziraphale wouldn't settle for that.  Crowley gave the shaft a few quick pumps before he removed his hand and started to slowly work the trousers down Aziraphale's legs.  "You're being a very good boy, angel." 

"Thank you, maaaaaster."  Aziraphale ended up drawing out the last word as he felt Crowley's tongue lick him from base to tip.  He was already on the verge of losing it completely.  He did manage to open his eyes and look down at Crowley who was on his knees in front of him.  What an absolutely glorious sight, he thought. 

"What do you think I should do now, angel?"  Crowley asked as he lightly traced his fingers up the inside of Aziraphale's thighs. 

"What....whatever it is you wish, master."  So many possibilities went traipsing through Aziraphale's head in that moment.  Crowley gave the angel's cock one more lick before slowly kissing his way back up to Aziraphale's neck. 

"You're the one that should be on your knees, don't you think?"  He put his hands on Aziraphale's shoulders and started to slowly push him down.  Crowley really did love looking down at Aziraphale.  He gasped when Aziraphale licked across the head of his cock, closing his eyes for just a moment.  "Now remember, angel.  If I come, you don't get your reward."  This would be a little bit of torture for the both of them. 

"Yes, master."  Aziraphale nodded before taking Crowley into his mouth.  He didn't even bother to try to slowly work his way up to it, just took the entire length in one go.  Crowley had to grip tight to Aziraphale's shoulder to keep from falling over at the shock of it.  That felt absolutely wonderful. 

Aziraphale had eaten in restaurants all over the world.  He'd sampled food from some of the bed chefs in history.  There were people almost literally killing for a chance to experience some of the wonderful meals that Aziraphale had managed to partake in.  In six thousand years of putting things in his mouth for sheer enjoyment, nothing had ever matched the experience he was currently having.  He moaned soflty as he continued to suck Crowley's cock, sliding his hands up the demon's legs to grip his ass.  It was easier to get a rhythm with a little bit of momentum.  The noises that were coming from Crowley only managed to urge him on. 

"Stop!"  Crowley grabbed Aziraphale's hair again and pulled his head back.  It was all too much.  He'd come very close to just letting himself get lost in the moment.  But that would only be fun for him.  The whole point was for them to enjoy this together. 

"Yes, master."  Aziraphale said as he looked up at Crowley, batting his eyelashes a bit.  He was enjoying this a little too much now. 

"On the bed."  Crowley pointed toward the bed and had to force his other hand off of Aziraphale's shoulder.  He hadn't been completely sure he'd be able to stand up without support.  Aziraphale did as he was told and climbed onto the bed, once again getting on his hands and knees.  "Not like that."  Crowley shook his head.  He gestured for Aziraphale to roll over. 

"Like this?"  He asked with a raised eyebrow.  Crowley nodded and climbed onto the bed as well. 

"I want to see your face."  He lay on top of Aziraphale, settling between his legs.  Crowley propped himself on his elbows so he could look down at his angel.  "I think it's time for your reward, angel."  He ran the backs of his fingers lightly over Aziraphale's cheek. 

"Thank you, m..."  Aziraphale started.  Crowley shook his head and interrupted him. 

"No more of that, alright?  It's just us now."  He leaned down and kissed Aziraphale lightly on the lips. 

"Just us."  Aziraphale nodded and kissed Crowley again.  He lifted one leg and wrapped it around Crowley's waist, both hands going to his shoulders. 

"I love you."  Crowley said softly as he looked Aziraphale in the eye. 

"I love you, too."  Aziraphale was on the verge of tears just then.  The touching moment was only slightly broken when Crowley started to push into Aziraphale, the both of them moaning.  Nothing in Heaven or on Earth felt like it. 

"Mine."  Crowley growled as he started to thrust slowly.  He'd felt that way for six thousand years.  Aziraphale was his angel and nothing was going to change his mind about that. 

"Completely."  Aziraphale moaned, wrapping his arms around Crowley's shoulders.  It wasn't very long before his hips started moving in rhythm with Crowley.  It was as if they were puzzle pieces made to fit together.  Their bodies were movie as one, their breathing was in sync.  Everything was absolutely perfect.  And then came the fireworks.  Quite literally in their case.  The entire block would tell stories about the fireworks from nowhere on a day that wasn't special for years to come. 

Aziraphale dug his fingers into Crowley's skin as lights flashed behind his eyes.  Ecstasy wasn't even close to the right word for what he was feeling.  And the fact that Crowley was right there with him, crying out in pleasure just made it that much better.  With just a few more thrusts, Crowley collapsed on top of him, both of them panting heavily.  Aziraphale kept his arms tightly wrapped around Crowley but he let his leg fall to the bed.  Neither of them cared that they were sticky and sweaty.  They just wanted to be in each other's arms.  Crowley shifted just enough so that they were laying on their sides, his head resting on the pillow next to Aziraphale's. 

"That was.....better than anything."  He said with a chuckle. 

"Better than anything?"  Aziraphale asked with a smirk. 

"In all my years of existence, angel, I can say without a single doubt in my mind that that was the single most amazing experience I have ever had."  He gave Aziraphale a quick kiss on the lips and then grinned. 

"Well, then I guess it's a very good thing I can say the same."  He reached up and moved an errant strand of hair away from Crowley's forehead.  "I think, though, that perhaps next should be the one that needs punishment."  Crowley blinked a couple of times. 

"I think.....angel.....that that sounds like a very wonderful idea."  And not just because it meant there would be a next time. 


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