Scandalous Part 5

"You!"  Thaddeus said as Ashtoreth walked up to the guest house. 

"Yes?"  Ashtoreth asked with an innocent smile.  The sunglasses hid the anger in her eyes.

"You got me kicked out of my own home."  He said, coming down the stairs and stalking toward her.  Ashtoreth straightened up a bit as she walked toward him. 

"Oh, that had absolutely nothing to do with me, Mr. Dowling." Ashtoreth didn't falter at all as he moved closer to her. 

"I wouldn't be out here if you hadn't shown back up in our lives."  He tried to be intimidating and it clearly wasn't working. 

"That is entirely untrue and you know it."  Ashtoreth just looked at him.  She could tell he had no idea what to do with the fact that she wasn't afraid of him.  "You did this entirely on your own.  Now, if you're willing to be nice and accepting of your granddaughter, you can come back to the main house." 

"That child doesn't belong in my house."  Thaddeus glared at Ashtoreth. 

"That child has your DNA whether you like it or not.  She is a sweet, innocent baby that wants nothing but love.  And her mother is quite a lovely young woman."  It was taking everything that Ashtoreth had to keep from doing horrible things to Thaddeus Dowling.

"She only exists so that her mother could trap my son..."  Thaddeus started.  Ashtoreth held up her hand and just kept staring at him. 

"You will stop right this moment.  Maggie wants nothing of the sort.  I actually had to talk her into coming to live here at the mansion instead of staying in that horrible apartment with her father."  Ashtoreth kept her hand up as if to keep Thaddeus shushed. 

"That's what she said..."  He started and Ashtoreth raised an eyebrow. 

"There is one thing that I am very good at, Mr Dowling, and that is telling when someone is lying.  I can also sense deceit from ten miles away.  This girl is not trying to trap your son.  She's not trying to get your money.  She genuinely loves Warlock and she wants nothing from you.  The only reason she's even here right now is because she wants a better life for her daughter than she can provide."  Ashtoreth took a deep breath to calm herself down.  "Now, you can either stop all of this nonsense that is just for show because of your toxic masculinity that quite frankly put Warlock in this position to begin with and come hold your granddaughter, or you can stay out here in this guest house and fume over something that absolutely can not and will not be changed.  Which shall it be?" 

"How dare you talk to me like this?  I am..."  Thaddeus started.  This time Ashtoreth actually made him be quiet with a little wave of her hand.  He looked like a fish out of water as he tried to talk but nothing came out. 

"I know exactly who you are, Thaddeus Dowling.  You are a man who was raised to be a 'good old American male'"  She said the last bit in a forced American accent.  "Which is, frankly, rather boring and ridiculous.  You are a man who insists on being a man's man to the detriment of every single person around him.  You have spent your entire life hiding from the emotions you have because that's what you were taught to do.  Unlearn that very quickly, Mr. Dowling, or you will lose your entire family.  Because I can assure you that no one is going to treat that little girl with anything but love and respect as long as I have anything to say about it.  Have I made myself perfectly clear?"  She still held her right hand up to keep him silenced but her left hand was clenched in a fist so tight her nails were digging into her palms. 

Thaddeus tried to speak but then just nodded.  Ashtoreth decided to leave him silent for a little while longer as she turned to walk away.  She made her way into the kitchen and stood by the island for a moment.  Ezra came over and put a hand on the small of her back. 

"Is everything alright, dear?"  He asked softly.  He could feel the tension in her back through her blouse and he sent a little soothing through the contact, hoping it would help.  Ashtoreth just stared at the table for a moment before picking up the rather large knife that was laying there and stabbing it into the cutting board. 

"Perfectly fine."  She said after a moment.  She gave Ezra a quick kiss on the lips.  "I believe I should go work on some needle point darling."  She nodded and kissed him one more time before she left the kitchen.  Needle point was only done when she wanted to stab something repeatedly so he was going to make sure that everyone stayed clear of her for the next little while.  When he pulled the knife out of the cutting board and then moved the board, he wasn't at all surprised to find a hole in the table as well.   


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