Convention Part 2

Aziraphale decided after seeing the crowds outside the convention center that he would most definitely not be accompanying them into the building.  There were too many restaurants to try and too much local scenery to take in.  At least that's the excuse he used.  Crowley knew that Aziraphale was actually quite terrified of being caught in a crowd. 

"Before you dash off, angel, I need some help."  Crowley smiled as Aziraphale sat on the bed in the hotel room.  He'd gotten separate rooms for the kids and for him and Aziraphale.  He did actually trust Adam to not let them get into too much trouble. 

"Help with what?"  Aziraphale sighed.  He was going through his wallet to make sure he had enough cash for what he wanted to do.  By that meaning miracling up enough to fit the budget he had in mind. 

"With what to wear."  Crowley ducked into the bathroom for a moment.  "I was thinking about this."  He said before he stepped out looking exactly like he did that first day on the wall, though he was wearing sandals.  His hair was down to his waist and his wings were relaxed but fully visible. 

"Oh, I don't know."  Aziraphale cleared his throat.  He'd forgotten how beautiful Crowley had looked back then. 

"Or there's always this."  Crowley snapped his fingers and he was standing there looking exactly as he had in Rome all those centuries ago, the only difference being that his wings were still visible.  Aziraphale tilted his head before shaking it. 

"Not that."  He made a face. 

"Alright, what about this?"  Crowley snapped his fingers again and he was in his full Victorian garb.  The exact clothes he'd worn for the meeting when he asked for the holy water.  Again, the only difference being his wings. 

"We're in San Diego and it's July, Crowley.  Won't you look a bit.....uncomfortable?"  Aziraphale tilted his head again. 

"Trust me, this one won't be as out of place as you might think."  He chuckled.  He was wearing the sunglasses but he thought he might take them off. 

"Well, that look does suit you." Aziraphale shifted on the bed a little.  How had he managed to completely miss the way Crowley looked in all his clothes.  "Or you could always go with your black knight attire."  He offered with a smirk. 

"I am not wearing a fully suit of armor."  Crowley chuckled.  "That's a little too over the top."  He walked over to look at himself in the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door.  "I think this one is the way to go."  He really did like the clothes back then. 

"Right, now you can go gather the children and have your fun while I go get something to eat."  Aziraphale did that excited little wiggle before getting up from the bed. 

"Yes, you go do that."  Crowley put his wings away before gathering up everything he would need for the convention and leaving the room. 

"What are you supposed to be exactly?"  Pepper asked when she opened their room door and Crowley was standing there.  He looked extremely posh and she had to admit that it was a good look for him. 

"I'm a demon."  He grinned at her.  "You'll get the full effect when we get to the convention.  Which we need to be leaving for." 

"The boys are still getting ready."  Pepper rolled her eyes.  She'd decided to dress as Scarlet Witch, though she did go with the movie version.  Crowley snapped his fingers and then smiled. 

"Now they're not.  Come on you lot, let's go."  He called into the room.  The three boys came out of their side of the suite dressed and ready to go.  Adam was dressed as Tony Stark, Brian had gone with Thor and  Wensleydale was dressed as Nightwing.  Crowley smiled a little at the four of them.  "If  anyone asks, I'm your uncle.  Got it?" 

"Which one of us?"  Brian asked as he looked at his friends. 

"I'll let you decide that."  Crowley said with a shrug and then motioned for them to go ahead of him.  It was decided along the way that he would be Pepper's uncle because it would draw the most confusion and therefore be the most fun.  When they actually got inside the building, Crowley ducked off into a corner that was as hidden as one could get.  He slipped his sunglasses off and let his wings be visible before he rejoined the kids. 

"Sick cosplay, man."  A random stranger said as Crowley joined them.  The boys were all staring and Pepper was trying to hide that she was impressed. 

"So is that what you really look like?"  She asked as she walked around him, checking out his wings. 

"Not exactly, no."  Crowley shook his head. 

"You could just look like yourself if you really wanted."  Adam pointed out. 

"No, actually I couldn't.  It would cause quite a lot of panic."  Crowley laughed softly.  That would only be fun in a smaller crowd. 

"Oh?  Why's that?"  Wensleydale asked.  Crowley took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 

"Because what I really look like, if you must know, is a thirty foot long python with black scales and a copper belly.  Thus the eyes."  He touched his temple. 

"You're really a giant snake?"  Pepper asked, just staring at him. 

"Yes.  That's what my actual true form is."  Crowley nodded. 

"Wicked."  The three boys said in unison.  Pepper rolled her eyes and Crowley laughed softly. 

"Alright, now let's go see what there is to see around here."  He ushered the kids in front of him as they went further into the convention.  Out of the five of them, Pepper actually received the most compliments on her cosplay.  She really did make a beautiful Scarlet Witch.  Crowley was literally ready to fight anyone that had a problem with her choice but it never came to that. 

"Where did you get those wings?"  Someone asked him as they stared at the glistening black feathers. 

"I made them."  Crowley said with a grin.  The truth was much easier in this case.  They were actually in a pretty empty part of the hall at the time so he let them spread out to their full glory before bringing them back in. 

"They're articulated too!  That's so cool.  Did you like do a tutorial on youtube?  I'd love to learn how to make wings like that."  The young woman just continued to stare in admiration. 

"I'm afraid my uncle is only really good with simple mechanics.  I have to check his email for him."  Pepper said with a grin.  Crowley glared at her but the young woman seemed to accept the answer so he kept his mouth shut.  The whole day had pretty much gone that way.  People stopped to admire Crowley's wings, to ask him where he got his contacts.  One young man asked about his wardrobe. 

"It's vintage."  Crowley said with a small smirk.  Yes, he'd bought the clothes brand new over a hundred and fifty years ago but they didn't need to know that, did they?  There had been one particularly painful moment, though, when a small child that had gotten away from his parent, grabbed hold of Crowley's wing and actually managed to pull a feather free. 

"I'm so sorry."  The woman said when she came over to gather her child.  She wrestled the feather out of the kid's grasp and held it out.  Crowley was too busy inspecting his wing to notice so Adam took it from her.  He wasn't sure if there would be any kind of magic attached to the feather. 

"Are you alright?"  Brian asked as Crowley looked over where the feather had been. 

"I think it's time we go back to the hotel."  Crowley muttered.  He'd had to remind himself that the tiny human didn't really know what he was doing and it would be very bad to punish him.  He took the feather from Adam and with a little miracle, it was back in place.  It was still hurting, though.  Crowley let them go through the dealer room one more time to purchase anything they wanted but hadn't been willing to carry around with them before they went back to the hotel. 

"And how was your day?"  Aziraphale asked as Crowley came back into the room.  He furrowed his brow when he noticed that Crowley seemed to be inspecting one of his wings.  "What's wrong?" 

"A stupid urchin got hold of my wing and ripped out a feather."  Crowley pouted.  He walked over to Aziraphale and sighed heavily. 

"Oh goodness.  I didn't think they were strong enough."  Aziraphale took the wing in question in his hands and lightly ran them over the soft feathers. 

"Never underestimate a small child that desperately wants something."  Crowley sighed a little.  There was a soft glow from Aziraphale's hands and his wing felt instantly better.  "Tomorrow they are staying hidden.  I'm not risking it." 

"Did you have fun other than that, though?"  Aziraphale smiled a little. 

"I did, actually.  I got a lot of compliments, as did the kids.  Had people begging to take pictures with me.  It was fun.  I honestly think you would have enjoyed it."  Crowley put his wings away and then snapped his fingers so that he was in much more comfortable clothing, a t-shirt and some jeans. 

"Perhaps tomorrow I'll go with you."  Aziraphale said, though he did seem a bit nervous. 

"We'll see how you feel about it in the morning."  Crowley nodded.  He wasn't even thinking when he gave Aziraphale a kiss on the cheek before going to the phone to order himself some room service.  He wasn't usually hungry but the day had taken some energy out of him.  Aziraphale reached up and touched his cheek where Crowley kissed it.  Once the food was ordered, Crowley moved over and sat down on his bed, leaning back against the headboard. 

"So, tell me about your day."  He said as he patted the spot next to him.  Aziraphale climbed onto the bed and sat next to Crowley, also leaning back against the headboard.  They ended up spending the rest of the night talking about the different things that Aziraphale did and saw while Crowley and the kids were at the convention.  Not once did Crowley try to change the subject back to himself, he just let Aziraphale go on and on.  He really did love listening to the angel talk when he was excited.  Though he'd never admit that to Aziraphale. 


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