For A Thousand Years 17


Crowley had come very close to just letting the end of the world happen.  He was pretty sure Heaven would win, if he were honest with himself.  As much as the demons wanted to get out of Hell, they were too unorganized.  How many times had he lied in memos to head office and no one even bothered to check?  He was pretty sure that they didn't even get read most of the time.  

If the world ended then there would be no more reason to search for his beloved angel.  He probably wouldn't survive the battle and then there wouldn't be anything to worry about.  But the closer it got to the end of the world the more he realized he didn't want his angel to have to go through that as a human.  It was going to be very bad for them, he knew that.  And he really did love humans.  They were amazing and inventive and sometimes they were horrid but for the most part they were good.  And his angel was amongst them.  He couldn't just let them all die.  

It took quite a bit of work but he did actually manage to keep the world from ending, with quite a bit of help from a few people.  Some he'd known for a long time and some he'd met along the way.  The young man that was the Antichrist actually turned out to be a pretty great kid when all was said and done.  He made sure to keep in touch.  

Time went on and Crowley once again came across his angel, though this time he didn't say it immediately.  

"Anthony Crowley."  He introduced himself to the gorgeous young man sitting at the bar alone.  This was, of course, after offering to buy him a drink.  

"Andrew Farnsworth."  The young man smiled that wonderful smile that was always the same in every incarnation.  

"It's very nice to meet you, Andrew."  Crowley nodded, picking up his glass when the bartender brought their drinks.  He thought about saying it then but he decided to wait.  He wanted to see if this young man would be drawn to him without being reminded of who he was.  

"Nice to meet you as well, Anthony."  Andrew said before taking a sip of his own drink.  Crowley chuckled softly.  "What?"  Andrew asked.  

"I'm not used to hearing my own name I suppose.  Everyone usually just calls me Crowley."  He shrugged.  

"But Anthony is such a wonderful name."  Andrew reached over and put a hand on Crowley's.  

"You're perhaps the only one that thinks that."  Crowley said.  He turned his hand over and held Andrew's in his which caused the young man to blush.  

They spent the rest of the evening talking and having drinks.  It was amazing how easy it was to talk to him, even when he didn't know he was Aziraphale.  Crowley paid for all the drinks even against Andrew's protests.  The two parted ways as the bar was closing but not before exchanging numbers.  

Nearly six months later they sat in Crowley's living room looking at the old photo album that contained all the pictures of his previous incarnations.  

"I just hate that you have to wait at all."  Aziraphale said as he pulled Crowley into his arms.  

"You say that every single time."  Crowley laughed softly, resting his head on Aziraphale's shoulder.  He really did love being held like that, regardless of the appearances he may put on.  

"And I will continue to say it."  Aziraphale smiled, rubbing Crowley's back slowly.  

"I can't keep doing this, Zira."  Crowley said softly as he sat back and put a hand on Aziraphale's cheek.  

"What do you mean?"  Aziraphale tilted his head.  

"I mean.....I've been dealing with losing you and getting you back and losing you all over again for more than six thousand years.  I can't do it anymore.  This.....this is it.  This is the last time."  He let his hand fall to Aziraphale's shoulder and looked down as he sighed softly.  

"Then we better make it count."  Aziraphale nodded.  He just assumed that Crowley meant they wouldn't be together again.  That his beloved just wouldn't search him out anymore, and if he did find him he'd leave him be.  

"Yes, I think we should."  Crowley nodded, giving Aziraphale a kiss on the lips.  What he had in mind was completely different than what the other man suspected.  

They had far more years together than Crowley anticipated.  With modern medicine and technology, Aziraphale lived well into his nineties before old age took him.  Seventy five years the two had gotten together and Crowley had made sure that every single moment was the best possible.  They laughed and loved and traveled and just lived life to the fullest.  Everything was absolutely perfect.  

Aziraphale was loved by so many in their life that the funeral was rather extravagant.  So many people were there to celebrate his life and mourn his death.  It was beautiful.  When the funeral was over, Crowley went back to the house that the two of them had shared in their time together.  Even though it was warm outside, Crowley started a fire and stood staring at it for a moment.  He took the little wooden snake out of his pocket and dropped it into the fire.  The flames changed color and grew for a moment before calming down again.  

"Are you sure you want to do this?"  Crowley jumped as a voice appeared behind him seemingly out of nowhere.  

"Yes."  He nodded, turning to look at Michael.  He'd known for a long time that the angel was working with the demons but he never expected to get any help.  

"There's no going back.  Once it's done, it's done."  Michael raised an eyebrow.  "You'll never see him again."  

"I know."  Crowley nodded.  "Can we just get on with it?"  He didn't want to wait any longer.  Michael nodded and the two of them went into the bathroom, Michael filling up the bath and watching Crowley for a moment.  

"May I ask why now?"  Michael was ever so curious.  

"No, you may not."  Crowley glared at the angel.  "I'd like to be alone now, thank you."  He tried not to sound too irritated.  Without a word, Michael vanished.  Crowley had left everything he had to a local charity that helped homeless youth.  His time with his angel in the forties had left a mark on him and he wanted to make sure that help was given where needed.  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  

"I love you."  He whispered and then stepped into the bath.  It only took a few moments for Anthony J Crowley to cease to exist.  What Crowley hadn't realized, though, was that God had other plans for him.  She wouldn't just let him end things like that.  He might not be a demon anymore, but she was going to make sure his soul continued to exist through eternity.  It was going to be interesting to see if the two humans managed to meet up or if they would spend their lives longing for someone they didn't know actually existed.  Only time would tell, and time was all she had.  


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